Wintersmith setup

28. October 2013

There are some excellent tutorials for setting up Wintersmith out there. This is a summary for a quick and easy setup with Github Pages.


  1. Create a GitHub repo for your user. As the name, type in: {{username || 'username'}}

  2. Clone this repo to your local folder

    git clone{{username || 'username'}}/{{username || 'username'}} ~/blog
    cd ~/blog
  3. Install wintersmith

    npm install wintersmith -g
  4. Make sure GitHub doesn’t treat is as a Jekyll project and ignore node modules:

    touch .nojekyll
    echo "node_modules" > .gitignore
  5. Create your blog in folder src/

    wintersmith new src/
    cd src/
  6. In this folder you will find the source of your blog. Edit the start of config.json:

      "output": "./../",
      "locals": {
        "url": "http://{{username || 'username'}}",
        "name": "Wintersmith meets {{username || 'username'}}"
        "owner": "{{username || 'username'}}"
        "description": "This is the blog of {{username || 'username'}}"
  7. Write articles, change templates, do whatever you like to it. To preview in localhost:8080:

    wintersmith preview
  8. Once you are done, you can build it and push it online

    wintersmith build
    git add ../.
    git commit -m "finished setup for first blog release"
    git push -u origin master

It may take GitHub a bit to update your page, but once it’s done you can visit it at http://{{username || ‘username’}}

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